2. I must greet absolutely EVERYONE in the local language, even if I'm running.
3. Boda bodas (motorcycles), matatus (taxis), buses, cars and even cows have the right of way.
Walkers beware!
4. Dust gets up my nose....uh....dust gets EVERYWHERE.
5. Never walk home alone in the dark.
6. My feet may never be clean again.
7. The miles pass quickly when walking and talking and laughing with friends.
8. The birds always sing, the flowers always bloom, the sun always shines (well, it does rain
occasionally), and the eucalyptus trees always scent the air.
9. I find my peace in the natural beauty of this country.
10. And the people I meet while walking the dirt roads of Uganda teach me the value of living a life
of simplicity and gratitude.