Monday, July 27, 2015

A Day in the Life...

Up at sunrise
"Good morning" text
Coffee, toast
Crossword puzzle
Email check

Smartly dressed
Walk to school
Dusty, dusty, dirty feet

Reading groups
I love these kids
They try so hard
My heart I give

Break tea time
The teachers talk
I don't understand

Library lessons
Read aloud
More reading groups
We're quite a crowd

Matooke, rice and beans for lunch

Walking home
Dodging bodas
"Osiibire ota?"
"Nsiibire gye."
Said many, many times

Unlock my door...and
Privacy is mine once more

Hang the clothes outside to dry
Sweep gecko poop off the floor
Filter water
Burn the trash (sorry)
Watch out for snakes in the grass

Goats bleat
Cows moo
Voices sing
Drums beat
I will go CRAZY!

Close the windows at sunset
Malaria we must prevent
Dinner, movie, glass of wine (okay maybe two)
Cold shower
Warm bed
Time to dream
And clear my head

Yes, there are other things
I could do instead
But not right now
Not just yet

So, one last Viber text
"Good night"
"I love you"

Time for bed.